Pick A Craft Channel - Pa Bong Luang Basketery

Last updated: 11 Mar 2021  |  2217 Views  | 

Pick A Craft Channel - Pa Bong Luang Basketery

Basketry is a charming craft work that shows the way of life of the people in Thai community. Today, Pick A Craft will introduce you to Ban Pa Bong Luang, which is one of the villages that have continued the basketery work with bamboo handicraft from ancestors.

The way of life of the Pa Bong Luang people is tied to the use of bamboo basketry, working wicker is part of the daily life for a group of people in this village that has a touch of being Lanna identity from the appearance of the product that can feel the nature and being distinguished from other regions in Thailand.

Well, let's see the story of Ban Pa Bong Luang together

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